osho samadhi समाधिः

messages from all enlightened masters


The parable of the farmer and the wheat
This osho discourse is related to this card;
especially the talk which starts from one star “*”.
The Perfect Master, Vol 2 : chapter 10 question 1
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The Perfect Master, Vol 2 
chapter 10 
Exactly in the Middle
question 1
The first question:
Question 1
DHARMEN, you have found it! 
this is the trick
this is the alchemy: 
to understand that nothing is in our hands is 
what is meant by surrender. 
Surrender is not something that you have to do 
you can do. 
If you do it, how is it going to be surrender? 
It is not an act. 
It cannot be by its very nature. 
The very definition of surrender is that you cannot do it. 
Seeing the point, 
that nothing is in our hands 
– to be this way or that, 
to be egoful or to be egoless – 
seeing this, 
surrender happens. 
What is left then? 
If you have really seen this, 
you have understood the very secret.
Language creates the problem, 
because language turns everything, 
twists everything, 
into something other than it is. 
The moment I say ”Surrender!” 
you start thinking ”How to do it?” 
This is a linguistic fallacy. 
When I say surrender, 
this is exactly what I am saying: 
I am saying nothing is in your hands. 
In fact, you are not there behind your hands either. 
All is happening.
Yes, some days you are sad, and some days you are happy
– and there is nothing to do. 
So some days be sad, and some days be happy
– this is surrender. 
When happy, enjoy it, live it, dance it, sing it. 
When happy, don’t be worried about sadness. 
There is no point 
– you cannot do anything about it. 
When sad, be really sad! 
Cry tears of sadness, sing sad songs. 
And DON’T try to become happy 
– it is not in your hands.
A Zen Master was asked,
”What do you do when it is hot?” 
He said,
”I perspire.”
”And what do you do when it is cold?”
He said,
”I shiver.”
So, when hot, perspire. 
When cold, shiver. 
When alive, live! 
When dead, die! 
What is in your hands? 
Nothing is in your hands. 
To think that ”Something is in my hands” is the way of the ego. 
That’s what ego is.
Ego says, 
”You can do this. 
Why are you sad? 
You can be happy. 
It is within your capacity. 
You can become more perfect, 
you can become more beautiful, 
you can become more good. 
You can become a saint. 
Why are you not doing something?”
The ego always prods you, goads you into doing: 
”Do something!” 
It creates the fallacy that it is within your hands to change, 
that you are the master of your destiny. 
That is the way of the ego. 
That is the fallacy!
Nothing is in your hands.
The moment you see the fallacy, it disappears. 
The moment you see that there is only a rope and no snake... the snake was just a projection in the dark. 
Out of fear you had seen it. 
When you come close and 
you bring a lamp and 
you see that it is a rope, 
the snake is no more there! 
The question is dissolved. 
Seeing that nothing can be done, 
surrender has happened.
This is the whole secret of it. 
And, Dharmen, you have understood it. 
But still your ego is playing tricks with you. 
The ego is saying, 
”There must be some way to do it. 
There must be a trick
There must be something hidden, esoteric, that you don’t know. 
There must be a key that can unlock the door.”
There is no key, 
there is no lock, 
there is no door. 
Nothing has to be unlocked 
because nothing has been locked from the very beginning.
Your question is beautiful, Dharmen.
If you can understand your question, 
all questions will dissolve 
– because your question carries the answer!
You say: 
It IS easy! 
What can I do? 
It is not in my hands to make it difficult.
It is easy because it is not an act. 
Only if you have to do something can it be difficult. 
When you have NOT to do anything, 
how can it be difficult? 
How can non-doing be difficult? 
– the very word is relevant only with doing. 
Non-doing is an under-standing, is an insight, a sudden vision
And that’s what has happened to you in this question.
You say: 
You don’t want to believe in it. 
You don’t want to believe in its easiness. 
See the point! 
You WANT it to be difficult, then you will be very happy. 
If I say, 
”It is very difficult, Dharmen,” 
you will relax, you will be relieved. 
If I say,
”It is almost impossible,” 
a burden is removed from your head. 
Then you will say, 
”Then it is okay. 
Then I can travel. 
Then there is challenge. 
Then my ego can do many things
– it is difficult and I am going to do it.”
The more impossible it looks, 
the more appealing it is to the ego. 
Hence, I cannot say it is difficult, 
because I don’t want to support your ego in ANY way. 
It is easy – it is absolutely easy. 
But the moment I say ’easy’ 
you become uneasy. 
You start feeling, 
”Then? Then there is nothing left as a challenge.” 
Then you are not attracted towards it. 
If it is SO easy that even a child can do it 
– in fact it is so easy that only a child can do it! – 
then your ego feels hurt. 
You want something arduous, some uphill task. 
It should be the Everest 
– so only you can reach and nobody else,
If it is difficult, competition is possible. 
If it is difficult, fight and war art possible. 
If it is difficult, then politics is possible. 
Then only a few aye going to reach, not all. 
You can fight, 
you can plan, 
you can maneuver, 
you can invent strategies to pull others’ legs and not to allow them to reach, 
to use others’ heads as steps so that you can reach.
And if it is so difficult that only one can reach, 
then you will feel very thrilled: 
you can be that one! 
A possibility is there that you can be that one, that special one. 
That’s why people are interested in becoming the prime minister of India or the president of America. 
Do you think they gain something? 
All that they gain is they reach a place where only one can reach – that’s all. 
It is such a stupid game, 
but the joy is that out of millions of people only one can reach there. 
That’s the only joy. 
Nothing is achieved! 
And only fools are attracted. 
But ego IS foolish. 
And the greater the fool, the greater the ego 
– and vice versa
the greater the ego, the greater the fool.
The foolish man’s whole interest is in the difficult. 
Make things difficult and he becomes interested. 
People solve crossword puzzles just for that one single reason
– because it is difficult.
When I say it is easy, it is so easy, 
that you are not even needed to move your hands, 
you need not even go outside your room... 
so says Lao Tzu. 
It is SO easy that you need not even open your eyes
It is so easy that it can happen in a single moment. 
It is so easy that you need not compete, need not practice, need not cul-tivate.... 
Just WATCH inside: 
when I am saying it is so easy that it is possible just now, 
you start losing interest in it. 
Your ego says, 
”Then what is the point? 
If it is so easy that everybody can achieve it, 
then it is not worth it.”
Just think:
if there were Kohinoor diamonds on every beach of the ocean, and they were just like pebbles, available everywhere, would there be any value in the Kohinoor diamond? 
The value is there only because it is the ONLY one. 
There is no other diamond like it. 
It is rare, so rare that only one can possess it.
Man’s ego always wants the difficult. 
Make things difficult and many people will become interested. 
That’s why more people are interested in Yoga – it is a difficult gymnastics. 
People are interested in difficult things. 
You can make them do ANYTHING. 
If you tell them: 
”Stand on your head for thirty years,” 
they will stand. 
Just ONE joy has to be there, that nobody else has been able to stand on his head for thirty years: 
”I am the only one – I am the Kohinoor diamond. I am no ordinary person.”
When I say it is easy,
I kill your ego,
I destroy your ego.
I pull the very earth from underneath your feet. 
You fall flat on the ground.
That’s why you cannot believe it, Dharmen. 
But my difficulty is that I cannot be untrue 
– it is so. It is easy. 
The easiest thing in the world is God – HAS to be! 
because we live in him, 
we breathe in him. 
He surrounds us just like a fish is surrounded by the ocean. 
He is everywhere! 
and ONLY he is.
Each breath that you take in, you take God in. 
He circulates in your blood, 
he beats in your heart, 
he walks when you walk, 
he sits when you sit. 
He is ONE with you!
And it is easy because he has not to be attained – it is already the case. 
But then the ego loses interest. 
That’s why you ask:
Somewhere your ego goes on hoping that 
”Osho must be joking. 
It can’t be that easy. 
It HAS to be difficult.”
And that’s what I have been telling you all along. 
It is out of your hands 
because you don’t have any hands except the hands of God! 
The moment you think yourself separate from God, 
everything is out of your hands. 
And the moment you think yourself one with God, 
everything is in your hands. 
But those hands are no more YOURS – they are the hands of God.
For man everything is impossible: 
for God everything is possible. 
For the part, everything is impossible: 
for the whole everything is possible.
That’s what I have been insisting, day in, day out, year in, year out, that nothing is in your hands. 
Don’t try to cling. 
Don’t try to impose your will, 
because nothing is in your hands. 
Don’t be deceived by this will. 
It takes you into dreams and fantasies.
When it is summer, it is summer. 
And when it is winter, it is winter. 
And when it is sunny, it is sunny. 
And when it is cloudy, it is cloudy. 
Just today it is very cloudy... enjoy it! 
Enjoy all climates. 
Enjoy all moods of nature. 
They are all in a deep harmony. 
Everything is needed to make this world a perfect world. 
Just sun and sun every day won’t do.
I have heard an ancient parable
– must be very ancient because God used to live on the earth in those days. 
Slowly slowly, he became very tired of man, because people would torture him continuously. 
In the middle of the night, somebody would knock and say, 
”Why have you done this? 
Why not do it this way?” 
Everybody was advising; 
everybody was praying and their prayers were contradictory.
A man would come and would say, 
”Today let there be sun, because I am going to wash my clothes.”
And somebody else would come and he would say, 
”Today let there be rain, because I am going to plant trees.” 
Now what to do? 
They were driving God mad!
He had to disappear from the earth. 
He had to escape just to survive. 
He had to become invisible.
One day a man came, a farmer, an old farmer, and he said, 
”Look, you may be God, and you may have created the world, 
but one thing I must say to you: 
you are not a farmer, and 
you don’t know even the ABE of farming. 
And your whole nature and the functioning of your nature is so absurd, and this I say out of my whole life’s experience. 
You have to learn something.”
God said, 
”What’s your advice?”
The farmer said, 
”You give me one year’s time, and just let things be according to me, and see what happens. There will be no poverty left!”
God was willing and one year was given to the farmer. 
Now it was according to his will that everything was happening. 
Naturally, he asked the best, he thought only of the best 
– no thunder, 
no strong winds
no dangers for the crop. 
Everything comfortable, cozy, and he was very happy. 
The wheat was growing so high! 
No dangers were there, 
no hindrances were there; 
everything was moving according to HIS desire. 
When he wanted sun, there was sun; 
when he wanted rain, there was rain, and 
AS much as he wanted. 
In the old days, sometimes it rained too much, and the rivers would be flooded, and the crops would be destroyed; 
and sometimes it would not rain enough and the land would remain dry, and the crops would die... 
and sometimes something else, 
and sometimes something else. 
It was rare, very rare, that things were right. 
But this year everything was put right, 
mathematically right.
The wheat was growing so high that the farmer was very happy.
He used to go to God and say, 
”Look! This time the crops will be such that for ten years if people don’t work there will be enough food.”
But when the crops were cut, 
there was no wheat inside. 
He was surprised – what happened?! 
He asked God,
”What happened? what went wrong?”
God said,
”Because there was no challenge, 
because there was no difficulty, 
because there was no conflict, no friction, 
because all was good, 
you avoided all that was bad, 
the wheat remained impotent. 
A little struggle is a must. 
Storms are needed, thunder , lightning is needed. 
They shake up the soul inside the wheat.”
This parable is of immense value
If you are just happy and happy and happy, 
happiness will lose all meaning. 
You will become tired of it. 
You will be fed up with it. 
You remain interested in happiness because there are sad moments too. 
Those sad moments keep you interested in happiness. 
You cannot go on eating only sugar and sugar and sugar
– something salted is a must, 
otherwise all taste will be lost.
If you are just happy, just happy, just happy... 
you will have diabetes from happiness. 
You will become impotent. 
You will be bored, utterly bored 
– your life will not have meaning. 
It will be as if somebody is writing with white chalk on a white wall. 
He can go on writing, 
but nobody will ever be able to read it. 
You have to write on a black board, 
then it comes clear and loud. 
The night is as much needed as the day.
And the days of sadness are AS essential as the days of happiness.
THIS I call understanding.
Once you understand it, you relax 
– in that relaxation is surrender. 
You say:
”Thy will be done.” 
You say: 
”Do whatsoever you feel is right. 
If today clouds are needed, give me duds. 
Don’t listen to me. 
My understanding is tiny. 
My will is foolish. 
What do I know of life and its secrets? 
Don’t listen to me! You just go on doing your will.”
And, slowly slowly, the more you see the rhythm of life, 
the rhythm of duality, 
the rhythm of polarity, 
you stop asking, 
you stop choosing. 
Not that by choosing anything changes 
– nothing changes, just you become frustrated. 
Everything remains the same. 
If the river is going north, the river is going north; 
by your choosing that the river should go south, 
you become miserable, that’s all. 
The river continues to go north!
Your will, 
your choice, 
your action, 
makes NO difference at all. 
But one difference, certainly, it makes
– no difference in the situation of the world, in existence – 
but one difference in your psychology: 
you become frustrated, because the river is not going north, or going north, and you have the opposite direction in your mind. 
You are failing. 
Not that the river intends to make you a failure
– the river has nothing to do with you. 
The river is simply going north.
The man of understanding goes with the river,
flows with the flow,
moves with the wind. 
Slowly slowly, the understanding that 
”Nothing is in my hands” 
becomes surrender. 
And that surrender brings great benediction. 
That surrender brings bliss.
Dharmen, you have found the secret! 
This is the secret. 
Live with this secret, and see the beauty. 
Live with this secret, and you will be suddenly surprised: 
How great is the blessing of life! 
How much is being showered on you every moment! 
But you are living in your expectations, in your small, tiny, trivial desires. 
And because things are not fitting with your desires, you are miserable.
Misery has only one meaning, 
that things are not fitting with your desires 
– and things never fit with your desires, 
they cannot. 
Things simply go on following their nature.
Lao Tzu calls this nature Tao. 
Buddha calls this nature Dhamma. 
Mahavir has defined religion as the nature of things. 
Nothing can be done. 
Fire is hot 
water is cool. 
Don’t try to impose your will on the nature of things. 
That is what the stupid man goes on doing 
– and creates misery for himself, creates hell. 
The wise man is one who relaxes with the nature of things, 
who follows the nature of things.
And when you follow the nature of things, 
no shadow is cast. 
There is no misery. 
Even sadness is luminous then, 
even sadness has a beauty then. 
Not that sadness will not come 
– it will come – 
but it will not be your enemy. 
You will befriend it, 
because you will see its necessity. 
You will be able to see its grace, and 
you will be able to see WHY it is there and why it is needed. 
And without it you will be less not more.
This is the meaning of surrender. 
You go on misunderstanding me. 
When I say ”Surrender!” 
you think you have to do something. 
No. I am saying: 
You have nothing to do, 
you cannot do, 
there is no way of doing anything... 
see this! 
This is surrender.
from osho talks
from osho transformation tarot
The Perfect Master, Vol 2
Talks on Sufi Stories
Talks given from 01/07/78 am to 10/07/78 am 
English Discourse series
Chapter 10
Chapter title: Exactly in the Middle
10 July 1978 am in Buddha Hall
The free downloading of all chapters of this osho discourse, please click here.
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beloved osho
”The last word of Buddha was, sammasati. 
 Remember that you are a buddha – sammasati.”
It means right remembrance.
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osho samadhi

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OSHO Transformation Tarot

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