osho samadhi समाधिः

messages from all enlightened masters

a bird on the wing

The gates of hell & The gates of heaven

The gates of hell & The gates of heaven The samurai's pride This osho discourse is related to these two cards. A Bird on the Wing : chapter 3 * * * A Bird on the Wing chapter 3 The Gates of Heaven and Hell A WARRIOR CAME TO THE ZEN MAST…

Alertness / Vulnerability

Alertness Vulnerability The sudden death of Ekido's disciple This osho discourse is related to this card. A Bird on the Wing : chapter 7 * * * A Bird on the Wing chapter 7 The Severe Teacher THE JAPANESE MASTER EKIDO WAS A SEVERE TEACHE…

Questioning / Receptivity

Questioning Receptivity The Professor And His Thirst For Answers This osho discourse is related to this card. A Bird on the Wing : chapter 1 * * * A Bird on the Wing chapter 1 Empty Your Cup BELOVED MASTER, THE JAPANESE MASTER NAN-IN GA…

Recognition / Ordinariness

Recognition Ordinariness The Master the Gardener And the Guest This osho discourse is related to this card. A Bird on the Wing : chapter 6 * * * A Bird on the Wing chapter 6 The Miracle of Ordinariness BELOVED OSHO, BANKEI WAS PREACHING…