osho samadhi समाधिः

messages from all enlightened masters

about this blog osho samadhi समाधिः

about this blog osho samadhi समाधिः 
I started blogging in Japanese for several years.
Friends abroad asked me to be able to read blogs in English
so I am studying English now
and I will do my best to write in English.
Then I try to start two blogs, an English blog and a Japanese blog.
This blog is in English.
I cannot yet write a sentence in English well
but I would like to share about osho discourses
so I begin with this blog.
Then the sound of a word "samadhi समाधिः [samādhiḥ]" arose up from deep inside of me naturally.
When the word arose I even didn't know the meaning of the word.
But I knew the word would be the name of this blog so I searched then found the word from many osho discourses.
As the word arose up, I saw a clear vision of design within me. 
Just like the meaning of this blog's name "osho samadhi समाधिः" it is a very simple and silent design.
I shared the meaning of the word "samadhi समाधिः [samādhiḥ]" from an osho discourse the other day so if you would like to know it please click here.
These discourses are talked by master osho 
but also there are so many messages from all enlightened masters.
Love from all enlightened masters.
So osho discourses are full of love; 
just like soft and sweet fragrance of flowers
or silent deep vast ocean of whole universe.
This blog is just like a gate or a bridge to the all enlightened masters.
It may aware from samsara to samadhi समाधिः.
I try ... but I can not share all the osho discourses with just this blog.
If you are interested in reading them
you can download pdf of all osho discourses for free with OSHO WORLD. Please click here.
And osho rajneesh. Please click here.
And OSHO. There is no pdf but you can read all osho discourses. Please click here.
I am appreciate to OSHO WORLD, osho rajneesh and OSHO.
Please feel love and enjoy.
beloved osho
beloved all enlightened masters
beloved all
”The last word of Buddha was, sammasati. 
 Remember that you are a buddha – sammasati.”
It means right remembrance.
meditation & love
osho samadhi समाधिः 